In December in Warsaw, the Meet the Master conference organized by the Implant Master Poland association was held for the third time. The idea behind the series “Meet the Master” are annual conferences, in which are invited eminent lecturers from abroad and Polish. The aim of the conference is to exchange knowledge, experiences and present the therapeutic concepts of the most outstanding scientists. This unique event preceded the First World Congress of Implantologists holding the title of Master in Science in Oral Implantology. The Congress was organized by members of the IMP under the patronage of the University of J. W. Goethe from Frankfurt. This unique event was held for the first time in history, and it is in our country, creating an unprecedented opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge from around the world.
IMP members had the honor of hosting implantologists from 50 countries around the world, which is a great distinction for the Polish dental community. The inaugural lecture was delivered by Professor Andrzej Wojtowicz and among foreign visitors arrived m. In. : Hussein Elrawa DDS, M.Sc., USA, Damir Mukhamadiev DDS, M.SC., Russia, By Zvonimir Katic DDS, M.Sc., Slovenia, João Carlos Costa da Silva DDS, M.Sc., Brazil.
The second day was equally intense, led by two experienced lecturers. For the first time in Poland, Dr. Henry Salama, from the USA, presented with a full-day lecture block. Dr. Henry Salama is the undisputed authority of the world of dentistry. Doctor with extraordinary achievements clinical research. The world-renowned lecturer from the USA presented the phenomenon of change in the approach to comprehensive treatment planning in implantology. During the lecture block of Dr. Salamy, aspects of interdisciplinary treatment in implantology were presented by dr Agnieszka Laskus, MSc., Specialist in general dentistry and periodontics, a renowned clinician and member of the IMP.
“It gives me great joy and satisfaction that I belonged to the group of the faculty of this international conference. I am glad that dentists in Poland visit so many scientific congresses, because it proves our willingness to develop and constantly strive to create the best implantological solutions in our patients “- said Dr. Agnieszka Laskus.
The Meet the Master conference was held for the third time, and it already has a group of outstanding scientists, and from year to year also more and more participants at congresses.
Mieszkam i pracuję w Warszawie. Praktykę lekarską prowadzę od ponad dwudziestu lat. Jestem współwłaścicielką kliniki stomatologicznej Trio-Dent, gdzie leczę pacjentów, prowadzę badania naukowe, ale też udzielam pomocy osobom, które jej potrzebują.