I am a dentist with over 25 years of experience. The scope of my specialization is periodontics and general dentistry (Medical University in Warsaw). In addition, I have the M.Sc. in the field of implantology (Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main).
I graduated from the Dental Department of the First Medical Faculty of the Medical Academy in Warsaw and postgraduate master’s studies at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. I worked for 7 years (1995-2002) as an assistant and then an assistant professor at the Department of Periodontology of the Institute of Dentistry at the Medical University of Warsaw.

In 2001, I defended with honors the title of doctor of medical sciences, which was awarded to me for a dissertation on implantation treatment in periodontology and immunological assessment of the health of patients with periodontitis.
In 2012, I completed postgraduate MA studies at Goethe University.I defended my thesis on periimplantitis complications and obtained the title of Master of Oral Implantology as the first doctor from the Polish group at this department.
An experienced dentist is, however, someone more than a thoroughly educated doctor. Thanks to my patients, I learn something new every day. The psychological aspect of the patient-doctor relationship based on a sense of security and trust is the knowledge I have acquired during many years of clinical work, not only scientific.

I live and work in Warsaw, where I currently conduct clinical, research and teaching activities. For many years of medical practice I have been working on new techniques and materials for the regeneration of tissue structures, including: Gore-Tex, bone replacement materials and membranes by Geistlich (Bio-oss, Bio-Gide, Combi-Pack, Mucograft, Fibro-Gide), Emdogain, PDGF-Beta, Bottis implant materials.
In the years 1999-2001 I participated in the work of the international research group of the Mucograft implant material (clinical tests before the official approval of the preparation). At the same time, I also participated in the work of an international research group creating guidelines for the Socket-Ridge augmentation technique used by dentists /Geistlich Company/.
In the years 2003-2009 I was the official consultant of Nobel Biocare in the field of tissue regeneration in periodontology and implantology with GORE materials. As a lecturer for Dentsply, I conducted training courses for doctors in the field of maxillary sinus lift in the interdisciplinary dental and laryngological approach, and for Medif, lectures and training in the field of complications in implantology and (recently) in the use of lasers in various fields of dentistry.
I have expressed my research and experience in over 100 publications in Poland and abroad, and in over 80 scientific papers. I am also happy to speak as an expert in the media – over the years of my practice, I have been invited to comment on issues in the field of dentistry more than 200 times.
The exchange of knowledge and experiences with other specialists is inspiring for the doctor and valuable from the patient’s point of view. It is facilitated by my membership in Polish and international organizations with which I have been associated for many years. For 8 years I was on the board of the Association of Polish Dentists, which I co-founded as a lecturer and organizer of courses for doctors.
I have been a member of the American Society of Periodontology since 2000, and a member of the European Society of Osseointegration since 2002. I am also a member of ICOI EUROPE (International Congress of Oral Implantologists), the Polish Association of Dental Implantology (OSIS), the Polish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry and the International Team for Implantology. I am a co-founder and member of the Implant Masters Poland implantology association and vice president of the Digital Dentistry Society Poland. I am also a member of the Program Council of the Dental Skills Institute – an organization teaching the practical skills of dentists and implantologists in Poland.
Since 2012, I have been the vice-president and founder of the Dr. Laskus Foundation – a non-profit organization whose goal is to improve the health of the oral cavity in our society through information and educational campaigns.
My activity, apart from admitting patients, is also related to conducting training courses for dentists in Poland and abroad in the field of periodontics and implantology. I am happy to share my practical knowledge in the field of implantology, periodontics and mucogingival surgery.
My work is a daily challenge and concern for the patient’s health, but also a source of professional and personal satisfaction. That is why I am constantly learning and improving my skills. I also completed a three-year postgraduate master’s degree at the Department of Implantology at the Medical University J.W. Goethe in Frankfurt am Main, obtaining in 2012 the title of Master of Oral Implantology.
In my work, I always strive to ensure that patients leave my office satisfied, satisfied and convinced of the professionalism, credibility, reliability and responsibility of their doctor. I believe that in medicine, apart from the aspect of broadly understood professionalism, friendly doctor-patient relations, based primarily on trust and trust, are important.
Knowledge and faith in the art of treatment, which undoubtedly is an art, do the most for patients.
Contemporary Polish poetry (Szymborska, Lipska, Osiecka, Poświatowska) and English poetry (Keats, Yeats, Plath) is my passion. I also like reading Japanese haiku (Issa, Shiki). In prose, I appreciate novels and short stories, but also the form of reportage. I like to listen to classical music – I love Chopin, Mozart, Schubert. I am a fan of opera (Mascagni, Leoncavallo, Puccini, Verdi).
Communing with art gives me a lot of joy. I am impressed with Italian, genre, early Baroque (Caravaggio) and Renaissance (da Vinci, Mantegna, Buonarotti, Santi) paintings. I also like Dutch (“golden age” – Rembrandt), French (naturalism, impressionism – Monet, Degas, Renoir), Spanish (baroque and contemporary – Picasso, Dali).

I have also been practicing Hatha Yoga for many years. However, this is not just a physical practice – I am also interested in the philosophical aspect of this Indian tradition. The Eastern approach to illness, old age, death, hygiene and life fulfillment inspires and enriches me.
It is an inspiring and educating complement to my daily, intellectually demanding and stressful surgical work.