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Exposed tooth necks should induce patient to visit dental clinic and consult a doctor. What is inappropriate is neglecting the problem, no matter how advanced the exposure is. Usually the reason for teeth necks exposure is bad hygiene of oral cavity. Rising level of bacteria results in gum inflammation, what leads to their detachment from the surface of the teeth. Another reason of it might be anatomically conditioned. People with thin tissues covering teeth, by brushing too hard or using dental floss, are more likely to lower the gum line. A malocclusion might contribute to the problem.
To deal with the problem of exposed tooth necks, primarily we have to make sure oral hygiene is well. It is important to remember to brush teeth two times a day from the gum towards the top of the tooth. The brush should be replaced with softer one, and the tooth paste should have more fluorine. It is advised to quit using whitening tooth pastes, and implement dental floss and mouthwash to daily routine. A visit to a dental clinic will most likely result in a necessity to have scalling. Thanks to this and the proper hygiene, the gums should return to their place.
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Mieszkam i pracuję w Warszawie. Praktykę lekarską prowadzę od ponad dwudziestu lat. Jestem współwłaścicielką kliniki stomatologicznej Trio-Dent, gdzie leczę pacjentów, prowadzę badania naukowe, ale też udzielam pomocy osobom, które jej potrzebują.