Dr n. med. Agnieszka Laskus

Filling the tooth gap, is it necessary?

It is common practice that patients visit the dental office only when the toothache hinders their normal functioning. Unfortunately, it could be too late for saving the tooth with treatment and tooth removal is required. Although sometimes you may not see its absence, it is important to fill the gap because the lack of a tooth is not just a matter of appearance. When we lose one tooth, we overload the rest – they clash more heavily. In addition, teeth naturally seek to communicate with each other. In the case of losing one, the one that is above or below the gap begins to move towards it. They also tilt the neighboring teeth towards the gap. As a result, they can all become loose. At the same time, the lack of a tooth can contribute to the occurrence of malocclusion. Therefore, you must complete the gap. The best solution is to do it after three months after removing the tooth. At this time, the place after the tooth will heal, and there will still be changes in the placement of the remaining teeth.

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