Dr n. med. Agnieszka Laskus

Tartar – how to counteract it?

Tartar is mineralized dental plaque, that can be found above and under gums on the teeth surface. Ends of salivary glands, uneven dental surfaces are especially susceptible for tartar formation. Tartar above gums is usually yellow, it darkens under the influence of diet or tobacco. The under-gum tartar is dark, because of disintegration of blood accompanied by inflammation of gums and other tooth structures. Bacteria that is in 90% made of dental plaque are the main reason of periodontal disease. The clearer the existence of calculi on the surface of teeth, the greater influence of bacteria in the area of gums and other teeth structures. What are the newest methods of getting rid of tartar? Professional cleaning routine done by dentist or dental hygienist, elimination of triggering iatrogenic factors, correction of teeth in places where dental plaque focuses, professional briefing of the dental hygiene. The best form of counteracting the periodontal disease is repeating these procedures in dental clinics regularly once in 6 months (healthy people), or even once in 4 months (people with periodontal disease). It is important to use specially made products that can assist the doctors treatment. Usually they are in form of liquid to rinse oral cavity, gels to rub in or chewing gum.

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