Stem cells are used in many different areas of medicine. Since recently they are also a source of invaluable options in dentistry. Combining therapy with other implantable materials result in spectacular outcomes in regenerative and reconstructive treatment. The development of stomatology is not only new generations of materials for aesthetics, prosthetics, orthodontic or conservative dentistry. It is also materials and modern methods of advanced regenerative treatment of gums and bone tissue in the oral cavity. The progress of regenerative medicine in recent years has shown that new possibilities in dentistry are not only synthetic, animal by-products or coming from tissue bank implantable materials (used in treating periodontosis, surgical treatment or implantology) but most of all autogenous materials coming from the patient!
Bone graft
Bone, that is often needed in surgical, implantological or periodontal treatment, is taken from different anatomical areas of patient. Its origin – from human – assures the most advantageous composition when it comes to treatment. It is better when the bone is taken directly from the patient, but if one does not agree for bone transplant there is a possibility to gain bone material from tissue bank. It is important, because human bone, besides having minerals, has also collagen which is a crucial part of healing.
Platelet-rich fibrin, and A-PRF?
PRF is a platelet-rich fibrin giving the best results of vascularization, healing and regenerative treatment. Thanks to proper technique of extraction and centrifugation of the patient’s blood it is possible to make even more effective factor – A-PRF, that is the source of collagen, elastin, platalet growth factors and additionally it has leukocytes releasing another growth factors. This factor is responsible for healing of scars and reconstruction of tissue structures.
MSC stem cells
Thanks to innovative techniques it is possible to extract not only embryonic stem cells from embryos, egg cells or cord blood but also mesenchymal stem cells from developed tissue of all organisms. They are derived from bone marrow, peripheral blood, adipose tissue or synovial membrane of joints. The collection procedure is completely safe for the patient. The material derived from bone marrow containing stem cells is cleansed and concentrated and when it is condensed, it is administered in the treated. Cells multiply and assume functions of the diseased or absent structures. Osseous tissue and soft tissue regeneration is significantly improved, their vascularization and healing are better, and the number of complications after the procedure is largely decreased.
Mieszkam i pracuję w Warszawie. Praktykę lekarską prowadzę od ponad dwudziestu lat. Jestem współwłaścicielką kliniki stomatologicznej Trio-Dent, gdzie leczę pacjentów, prowadzę badania naukowe, ale też udzielam pomocy osobom, które jej potrzebują.