Many deaths caused by oral cancer could have been avoided if it was diagnosed early.Modern device turns out to beuseful to detect even small changes at the stage before their transformation dysplasia cancer.
In daily practice, at the clinic we use this detector of cancerous changes, which enables observation of the natural fluorescence of tissue.
It emits a safe, visible blue light that arouses the tissue of the oral cavity, which in turn causes their fluorescence. It enables testing of the oral cavity in real time and increase the detection of changes in the mucous membranes.
Due to its unique connection with camera potentially cancerous changes can be recorded and watch their condition over time.
Mieszkam i pracuję w Warszawie. Praktykę lekarską prowadzę od ponad dwudziestu lat. Jestem współwłaścicielką kliniki stomatologicznej Trio-Dent, gdzie leczę pacjentów, prowadzę badania naukowe, ale też udzielam pomocy osobom, które jej potrzebują.